Sun protection for babies and toddlers

Most of us in the UK spend the colder months counting down until the summer season. Whether you’re enjoying the blue skies at home, or lapping up the sun on a holiday elsewhere, it’s essential that you take precautions to protect yourself and your little one(s) from harmful UV rays.

There are many steps that you can take to offer sun protection to your family. We’ve
listed a handful of the most important factors below:

1. Wear enough Sunscreen

This may seem like an obvious one, but you’d be surprised at how many people do not know how to apply sunblock correctly. And by ‘correctly’, we mean applying ENOUGH. According to the NHS, adults should aim to apply around two teaspoons of suncream when covering just your head, arms and neck. And two tablespoons of suncream when covering your whole body (e.g. whilst wearing a swimming costume or bikini).

As a parent, you must take extra care to protect your babies and children, as their skin is far more sensitive than adult skin. This means that children under 6 months should be kept out of direct, strong sunlight.

It’s important to note that water washes sunscreen off, so it’s important to use water-resistant sunscreen if it’s likely that you may sweat or be in contact with water. If you have been in water, you should re-apply sunscreen immediately after, to reduce the risk of the harmful effects of the UV rays.

2. Use a car sunshade

Car window shades are a must-have for all family road trips. They protect a baby’s delicate skin from sun damage and sunburn, protect their eyes and keep the temperature within the car at a comfortable level. But car window sunshades are not just for children - your pets need protection too!

Cars can be a very hot and stuffy environment, particularly in the summer months. Car sunshades can offer great protection for doggies, to help keep them cool whilst they’re riding in the back seat during the summer.

3. Protect your eyes in the sun

Our eyes are also at risk of sun damage, therefore it’s important we know how to protect ourselves and our little one(s). A day in the sun without proper sun protection can cause a painful burn to the surface of the eye, similar to sunburn.

Avoid looking directly at the sun, as this can cause permanent eye damage, and be sure to wear sunglasses with sufficient UV protection.

4. Spend time in the shade

The NHS advise that from March to October in the UK, children and adults should spend time in the shade, particularly from 11am until 3pm as this is when the sun is at its strongest.

Shaded areas not only provide a break from the heat, but they can also help to protect us from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can cause skin damage and lead to severe implications.

5. Protect your moles

According to the NHS, those of us with lots of moles or freckles are more at risk of getting skin cancer, so we must take extra care. Firstly, avoid getting sunburnt - this can be done by following the methods above. Secondly, make an effort to cover up any areas with lots of moles or freckles. For example, wear a t-shirt to cover up a large mole on your back, whilst in extreme sunlight.

Lastly, monitor any changes to your skin. This includes any new moles or existing moles that have changed in size, shape or colour.

More information on this can be found on the NHS website.

Protect your little one(s) during summer journeys, by purchasing a Shady car sunshade today.


Breaking The Car Sunshade Mould